Hello Christmas - A Time for Reflection
Have you guys been to the shopping malls in the last few days? Oh dear! It's so busy at this time of the year. There are so many activities also such as Christmas parties, family gathering and shopping for gifts, I could go on and on... It can also be a little bit of a sad time when the year is coming to the end and we have a little time for reflection on the twelve months past. There’s no doubting that the days and weeks seem to vanish in a whirl. I was just thinking this morning while driving to Kingston how fast the year has flown by. It only seems like yesterday that it was Christmas 2014 and the New Year was approaching. Now here we are in Christmas 2015 and the New Year is once again just around the corner!
That sense of time flying is one that we can sometimes put to good use. It can be easy to let things pass you by in the rush of places to go, people to see and things to do. But it also serves as a reminder that we need to make the most of our time before it is gone, never to return. Catching those fleeting memories and saving them for the future is a great way to help you enjoy your time. It might be taking pictures, it might be writing a blog like I do, or it might just be telling those you love that you love them. But those memories may last a lifetime and allow you to enjoy those fleeting moments over and over again. It can even help us catch things we missed, looking back at a moment caught in time and realising that, in the hectic pace of life, something special had happened and we nearly missed it.
So as you are filled with busy this December and having a good time at Christmas and over New Year, don’t forget to catch those special moments and save them. No matter what they are, those moments will allow you a time for reflection later in the year that may be the perfect tonic when things aren’t going well or you need to remember something from your past. But once they are gone, those moments will never come back. Take a breather from all the shopping and preparations this Christmas and just breathe. Reflect on the past months and reflects on the new things you want to do in 2016. Learn from the mistakes you have made these past months and look forward to a new year filled with great opportunities. My dress is from Zara , red heels is from Kurt Geiger, jewellery is from my jewellery line. You can purchase it here : IconMode Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance. Love Ivy