Dreams | How To Achieve Your Dream
When it comes to your "dreams " never settle, always strive for the best of the best" these are the words my mum used to tell us while we were growing up, and I can say that I'm who and where I am today because of those words. Most people ask " Ivy how do you do it? How do you combine family life and having two young kids with all that you do in your career world? What I say and will still say is; Believe in yourself. Bet on yourself. Whatever your dream is you can make it possible. Your dreams have as much validity as anyone else’s. How serious are you about making them come true? Always remember that having a dream and working towards your dreams are two totally different things. You can have a dream and not work at achieving them, after some time those dreams fade away. Or you can have a dream and every day you wake up your purpose is to make that /those dreams come to reality.
Here are some steps you need to take in achieving your dreams. Write them down I was going through some old stuff of mine recently. When I say old stuff, I mean like stuff from my teenage days, 10-12 years ago. Guess what I found? In one of my old files I found a book where I wrote down all I wanted to accomplish before I turned 35. It was a shock to see that at that age I already knew who I wanted to be and looking back now I have achieved 80% of those dreams I wrote down and still work hard every day to achieve the other 20% and surpass it. So, my first advice will be to write them down. Probably where you can see them every day as a constant reminder of the amount of work you need to put in to get there. Make Consistent effort to push those dreams Writing them down is not an assurance that your dreams will come through, but when you make effort to pursue those dreams no matter what, they will eventually be a reality. So many times, I have failed, but what I never did was give up! Don't give up. If you fail, try again and again until you're in a happy place. Invest in yourself Have you ever had a dream but do not know how to go about achieving them, invest in yourself? Take a course that's related to the dream you're chasing. It can be a two week, monthly, or even a yearly course. What you learn is always an added value to you and nothing is a waste of time. Personally, I believe that in every situation we learn. Even in bad situations, something good should come out of it. So, invest in yourself. Buy that book that will help broaden your knowledge, attend that conference, look for a mentor or a friend that represents where you want to be. A country wasn't built alone, so in other to get to where you want to be, you need like-minded individuals and you need to invest in your dreams. Age is nothing but a number Age tends to restrict a lot of people from pursuing their dreams. You here statements such as, I am too old, or my time has passed. Someone even said to me, maybe in my next life". Oh, please my loves! Age is nothing but a number. Never allow your age restrict you from who you want to become. People live in such an extraordinary time, where records can still be broken. History can still be made. There is still opportunity to make your mark, no matter where you are, where you come from, or how old you are. I am a living example of that and many more people such as Viola Davis is also a perfect example of this, as the first African American actress to garner an Emmy, Tony, and Academy Award, despite being born into extreme poverty at the age she is now. Take the lemons and make them into lemonade There will be tough times, there will be obstacles. More often than not, the ones we face (whether internal or external) are severe and seem insurmountable, but let me remind you that others have done more with less! If you've been offered lemons when you were expecting lemonades, don't walk away. Take that lemons and make it into the best lemonade that has ever existed. You can do it if you try. Do not let your dreams wither away. One of the reasons why I started this blog wasn't only to show women how to dress but also to inspire them in every area of their lives. You know what you desire deeply in your heart…Whether it’s something spectacular in your career, something remarkable for your family or community; perhaps it’s finding the love you’ve always wanted. Don’t stop striving, learning, networking, pursuing, doing everything you possibly can, until it comes to fruition. Most importantly, don’t settle because the very dream you seek may be just around the corner. Read some of my other amazing post here, here, here and here My white blazer is from www.zara.com and my trouser is from houseofcb