Hey my lovelies, I know it's been a while here. I have suddenly gone MIA on you guys I know! I'll do better in 2020 hopefully. It's been a very busy few months from the loss of my dear mum, and so many other things happening in between. Thank God, I am in a much better place now. Now let's talk Christmas and all I have been up to this festive season. Christmas Decoration If you follow my Instagram page and stories, you would have already seen my Christmas decor this year. I totally did everything myself with the help of my kids of-course. This year, we decided to put up two Christmas trees respectively. Previously, it used to be just one in our main entertainment room. This used to be our main tree. If you have followed me on socials for a while now, you have probably seen this customised stockings before. I love these and always cannot wait to bring them out for Christmas decor. I think, adding a special touch to your decor like this is so important.
The second tree is a white tree decorated in gold and white as well. I don't have a full image of it but you can see more on my Instagram page. I did a very simple and effortless decoration this year. I totally love it.
Events There's a reason why this period is known as the season of events and festivities. There has been so many events that I honestly cannot keep up. The beauty of Christmas period is how beautiful everywhere looks. From your home, to the shops, the streets are beautifully decorated, most hotels are extravagantly decorated, and the air just smells festivities and fun. This was my first event after putting up my tree. I just had to take a quick photo by my beautiful Christmas tree before dashing out.
My handbag is Vintage dior. Heels are Christian Louboutin . What does your Christmas decor and tree look like? Share your photos. Till my next post, stay safe. Xoxo