Christmas Holiday - A time To Celebrate And Reflect
Christmas holiday is a very special holiday for me and my family. Christmas is actually one of my favourite time of the year because it signals the feeling of promise for the new year ahead. I aways have the feeling of possibilities, promise, and a fresh new perspective, the feeling that new things are about to be birth in the new year ahead. I don't now if anyone else feels this way too, but it's the best feeling in the world.
Christmas for me and my family is not just about the festivities. Christmas means a lot more to us than the grilled turkey and drinks. Our faith as a family is a central part of who we are and usually reflects in what we do. It shapes our lives and even our businesses as entrepreneurs. We often fantasize about how much we will indulge in life’s treasures when the opportunity presents itself, but I’ve found we often miss the opportunity that is staring us right in the face. I have friends, family, and staff from all walks of life, with varying resources and means. I encourage them all, constantly, to do something great for themselves and their loved ones on a regular basis not just because its Christmas.
Every year I write an epistle about Christmas on this blog. One thing I always say is; when you give this Christmas, do not expect anything in return. Treat yourself and your loved ones because you deserve it. Also, apart from the celebration and gifting, Christmas is also a time of reflection, a time to think back and reflect on the year and also the new year ahead. Don't forget to set new goals and standards for 2019. Let go of things and people that no longer serve you or your growth. Applaud yourself for all you have accomplished! From me and my family, Merry Christmas to you all.