We all love designer handbags and would at some point in our lives own a pair or more. Also because I have always said, "choose a cheap outfit but never a cheap handbag or accessories". Not a lot of people can afford to splurge on designers handbags so I thought I should do a post about affordable designer handbags which is under £800. (Still a lot, I know). Atleast you will have an idea and maybe save towards purchasing one.
There are some online store were you can purchase Pre-owned designer handbags as well. If you want to own a pair and still save some money. Websites such as Ebay, Vestiaire, hardly ever worn it, and loads more do sell authentic fairly used designer handbags. You have to be very careful when buying on eBay, because not all designer handbags on eBay are authentic. Here are carefully selected designer handbags and where to purchase them:
GUCCI Dionysus suede and leather shoulder bag £780 On net-a-porter.com
MIU MIU Bow-embellished suede shoulder bag £640 net-a-porter.com
VALENTINO The Rockstud mini leather shoulder bag £840 Here
CHLOÉ Small Suede and Leather Faye Clutch. £575 Here Most bags as you can see are small bags and Wallet on chain bags. These styles are trendy these days and are a little bit more affordable than the big bags.
SIMONE ROCHA Leather Top Handle Box Bag £750 Here
STELLA MCCARTNEY Falabella Star Mini Faux Leather Bag £575 Here
MARC JACOBS 'Recruit' backpack £783.52 farfetch.com
Saint Laurent Shopper Tote £590 farfetch.com
MICHAEL MICHAEL KORS 'Bridgette' tote £310.00 Here No matter your budget, am pretty sure you can splurge on one of these and join in the designer bags owner family. Till my next post, stay fabulous. XOXO Ivy Ekong