Holiday Season - What to Wear
Tis the season to be jolly. The scent of Christmas is already in the air and am super excited. I love holiday season and Christmas is my favorite holiday season. Christmas is an awesome time to have fun and share memories with family and friends without forgetting the reason for the season which the commemoration of Christ.. As we go about the holiday preparing, buying presents, wrapping gifts, hanging Christmas lights and decorating our favorite Christmas tree, the list goes on.. We also want to have fun picking out and styling our outfits especially since there will be a lot of Christmas parties to attend with your colleagues, family and friends.
Certainly, the classic Christmas colors are green and red. But let's not limit our imagination to just these two colors. There's a whole world of colors to try out this holiday season, some of which includes, mint, gold, silver, navy blue, violet, turquoise, parchment, yellow, black and lots more. Scarves, flannels, snow boots, gloves, beanies, hats and sweaters are some special pieces we keep for the Christmas holiday season and wearing these pieces in the various colors are fun also for that Christmas family photos we can't wait to share on Instagram.
Although we want to dress Christmas, there are non tacky and non predictable ways to pair these colors and avoid looking like a live Christmas tree. Holiday parties and family photos are the order of this season and there's always the question of what to wear? Parties vary and so does the culture of every country so its important to dress according to your niche. For parties, you can go all bold and chic in a party dress by pairing it with sequin or metallic accessories for an eye catching effect, or go simple and easy with pants, blazers, and a nice pair of heels or brogues. The use of red lipstick is another subtle way of bringing in the Christmas cheer and adding a pop of color to the outfit. Invest in an oversized clutch; mint, silver, parchment, gold for an instant glow up, these are nice eye catching, trendy and festive colors. Note that when pairing bright colors like red and green or blue and red, its essential to keep the rest of the outfit neutral to avoid been flamboyant and overwhelming. A nude lip will do in such cases. It's the holiday season, so don't be afraid to shine both on the inside and on the outside.
A black dress paired with a green neckpiece and metallic heels is eye catching. You can also throw in a blazer or jacket to stay warm if you live in a cold country. Scarves are warm and add style and definition to your outfit, whether its with a blazer, jacket, pants, sweater, blouse or skirt. Whether going to work, parties, church or simply hanging out with friends, the Christmas spirit isn't in what we wear, its the joy, love, and cheer in our hearts, its in showing love, care and supports to others in need. Let's stay fabulous both in and out this holiday season.
I took these photos on my last trip to Dubai. My dress from asos (search lace dresses and it should come up) , heels and bag are YSL.
MODEL // IVY EKONG. @ivyekong