The Power Of A Woman - Ivy's Diary
The power of a woman is often underestimated. Women, in the past did often take the back seat. But that has changed in so many ways now. I still think women need to do more and that includes myself. We're super humans, we have great energy that we have been gifted with, we're strong and able to adapt to any situation we face, and until we all know that and value ourselves as unique human beings, we won't reach our highest potential.
The point I'm trying to make here is that, if you want to change the outcome of your routines, your finances, your relationships, your physical health.... you can. Once you acknowledge that you were created a special being, you will be able to change those things in your life that you're not happy with. Far too often our lives are filled to capacity with activities , and routines we pursue on a daily basis. The question is: are we just busy, or are we actually building? I’m not sure of your specific answer but I lovingly suggest you make the assessment. If the answer is not the latter, it may be time to make some changes.
Not only is readjusting habits and routines to fit your targeted goals super important, but I definitely believe waking up every day and intentionally BEING who you were created to be is perhaps the most supernatural way we can collaborate with the Divine to make dreams a reality. Embrace the essence of the person you want to be years from now today. Hurry while there's still time. If you want to be fit, financially well off, and fabulous years from now, start practicing being ALL of that today! Remember, you're a super woman. No matter the distractions and set backs, you can do it!
Remember, practice makes perfect and faith without works is dead. Also goals without focus is not realistic. I hope you enjoyed reading this piece. Just to quickly mention that as part of the rebranding process for my brand. This blog name and URL has been changed from Ivyekongfashion to ivyekong. Welcome to a new and improved blog. Over the next few weeks there will be positive changes to improve this page. As usual, read more post here, here, and here. Stay Fabulous as always. Love Ivy