Stay Authentic
Like I said in one of my Instagram post a few days ago, Libra season is here, and you’ll know that libra season calms all other birth seasons down (no offence meant). We’re just good at peace making and setting a peaceful tone which is exactly what the world needs right now. My birthday is approaching next month and I’m so looking forward to it! One of the liberating things I’ve enjoyed about growing, changing and evolving as a woman is how comfortable I increasingly become every year, living in my own skin. Living my life without bordering about the opinions of others. Trust me, they all do have opinions and loads of it. If you let that control you and your dreams, you will achieve nothing. I choose daily to live the age I feel and not conform to some imposed standards of ageing. The confidence that comes from genuine self ownership is empowering, regenerating, and renewing!
I think the most powerful privilege we can exercise everyday is the right to choose for ourselves to live each moment of our lives in truth of who we are and do what brings us happiness and peace of mind. As many of you know, this blog /platform isn't only for fashion and the latest trends, it's for lifting each other up as women. I derive so much pleasure from writing inspiring blog post such as this every now and again.
Every single moment we are alive, we can exercise that divinely endowed right by choosing what we will think, entertain, and how we will pursue what is best for ourselves. This in no way negates the human responsibility we have to care for, and be compassionate towards others; however, before we can ever do that, we must first love ourselves. When you can honestly look at yourself (inside and out) and recognise all your flaws and strength, because you do have a lot of strength, so much more than you know. All that you have beauty, value, and grace, you are on your way to finding your comfort zone. Once you can listen to your deepest inner voice, honour what you truly desire, need, and want, you you'll be fine.
Quite often the society conforms us to a certain way and we’re supposed to be a certain way in other to find validation. But life itself will teach you how absolutely IMPOSSIBLE that is! Your stride comes from striking a delicate balance between accepting, allowing, pursuing, celebrating, and owning all the nuances that make you uniquely who you are! So my dear friends, keep being you and stay authentic! My entire outfit is from here Accessories: Chanel pearls and bag. Love Ivy