Well, today is my birthday (thank you!) and I thought I would spend a moment to say thank you to my fans and followers who continue to enjoy my style and my views on the world of fashion as well as African Fashion. I hope you will continue to enjoy my clothes, my ideas and be inspired by them.
Finding your own style can be difficult. I’m lucky, I know what I like, what works for me and I can put together the outfits that define that look. I offer ideas about what I wear to help others do the same but what if you are still struggling a bit? Not quite sure how to personalise what you see on blogs or magazines? Here are a few tips to help you find your style.
Finding your style The first step in finding your style you have already taken – you are reading this blog and doubtless others too. They may be similar, they may be different. You could be reading a black fashion magazine in London as well as watching the latest celebrity gossip pages on the internet. You can even start your own style board on Pinterest where you pin all the looks you like. Say for instance you loved that red dress that I showcased a recently from ASOS. You could look for other red dresses from other brands and pin them all together to get a feel for what you like. Within a short time, you will come to realise that you are pinning certain styles repeatedly – this is a part of your style.
Defining your style Once you start to build a collection of boards, magazine pages or anything other means that show what you like, start to find out what they can categorised as. Are they Boho inspired, modern or classic? Find a few words that defines your style and help you use these to search for more ideas. As you find those pieces that sum up what you want to look like, have someone take a picture of you. You feel great, you look great – keep a memento of the style! Just like I do when I publish my blogs, I can look back and think about what worked and what I enjoyed about a particular outfit.
Amongst all of this, you can often find what is known as a signature piece, something that sums up your style and is your go-to piece of clothing. It may even be an accessory – think of famous ladies who you associate a certain look with such as oversized sunglasses, statement earrings and such. Find yours and treasure it. Refining your wardrobe
The great thing about style is there are no right and wrong looks – you like what you like. But once you begin to understand your style, you can assess your current wardrobe and decide if there are pieces that no longer fit your style. They may still serve a purpose but often these odd pieces will no longer feel comfortable for you. So off to the charity shop for them. Besides, an empty coat hanger is an excuse to buy a new item to replace it! Once again ,many thanks to you all and head to Instagram for all the birthday photos. Dress by Almost Famous Love Ivy