Anti- aging Secrets Every Woman Should Know
Anti- aging is a subject most women like to talk about. Whereas when you talk about ageing, women tend to frown at even the thought of knowing that someday they will have a wrinkled face, grey hair, and of course a slow metabolism. Don’t we all just wish that we can remain young and youthful forever!
When evolving into adulthood, there is this misconception that you have all the time in the world and the realities of aging are exclusively the concerns of your parents/grandparents. It never quite dawns on you that you too, will one day have to face these same issues and decide, consciously, how you will embrace the inevitable. Otherwise, the alternative is to let life take its cause and most women these days do not allow that happen anymore, because there is a lot of anti - aging . With the help of Botox, anti-aging creams and products which are constantly shoved on our faces on a daily basis, we are able to delay the aging process a bit.
I have had quite a successful milestone since I launched Ivy Ekong Fashion a few years ago. I have had my 34th birthday, my last daughter is in pre-school and will be turning 3 years old in a couple of weeks. On a not so successful note, my dad passed on a few months ago. Life has been happening, and when life happens you tend to age and grow with life. Even though a lot of people think I am still in my twenties (Thank God for that), but am not. I am a carefree person, I look after my skin, I pamper myself when I have the opportunity to, I exercise often, and drink loads of water. My lifestyle is the reason why I am not aging as expected. One thing I am constantly asked by my faithful and loyal followers/ readers, is what is my secret for maintaining a youthful, vibrant glow. While my regimens and routines vary, there are three foundational principles that I intentionally revisit, especially when life seems to pull me in my numerous directions… When it comes to anti - raging you need to try out different things to determine what works for you.
- Forever Young! – I religiously choose to live the age I feel, making sure to take with me all of the valuable life lessons I’ve learned along the way. People often confuse maturing and growing wiser, with growing old. The difference in this way of thinking can be seen in 60, 70, 80, and even 90-year-olds who choose to push beyond stereotypical limitations, keeping up with current events, and leading full active lives (traveling, enjoying new hobbies, taking care of themselves,exercising etc).
- Juicing & Eating Right!- .For some, juicing every meal is a way of life. While it’s not my practice to juice every day, I do implement it frequently atleast 3 times in a week as a part of my diet. Its benefits are remarkable.
- Working out – Like it or not, exercise is critical to health at any age. Healthy figures cut the appearance of aging, significantly. I am not suggesting that you kill yourself trying to capture the physique of a 21-year-old, but I am suggesting that you identify some reasonable physical fitness goals and commit to them. Strive to look your very best at this age. Trainers are more affordable now than they’ve ever been, offering virtual workouts in addition to DVD’s and one-on-one sessions. If you don’t want to spend money on a trainer, then you can get free training by watching some exercise videos on YouTube. But at the very least, identify some form of exercise that you enjoy and practice it at least two to three times a week.
We all have various degrees of discipline. But regardless of whether you practice these principles daily or frequently throughout the month, these simple concepts will definitely improve your state of mind and as a result, your state of being, empowering you to feel younger from the inside out. My dress is from @shopivyekong, shoes are from here . Stay healthy and fabulous my loves.