Beauty Blenders - When Do You Get Rid Of Yours
Beauty Blenders are a makeup lover best friend. Since it came into the beauty industry it’s been very popular and I don’t think it will be going away soon. I would say that beauty blenders perform makeup miracle when it comes to blending your foundation, concealer, and almost anything in regards to makeup. Beauty blenders are here to stay! I haven’t ditched the traditional makeup brushes yet; I just happen to prefer beauty blenders these days and am sure many of you do too. The question today is how do we know it’s time to get ruined of our beauty blenders and replace them with new ones? Do we use them until they start peeling off? Or do we use them just once or twice? A lot of women get a bit confused when it comes to this, and that’s why I wanted to write about this topic.
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The most appealing thing about beauty blenders is that they are not expensive to purchase. It cost between £1.99 – 4.99 to purchase good quality beauty blenders. Trust me, there are also some that are badly done out there. Those ones make your foundation crack after just a few hours. If you’ve got a sensitive skin like mine, they will give you a very good breakout which we want to avoid at all cost. Here are a few tips I’ve learned from years of owning some beauty blender.
Beauty blenders breakout If your Beauty Blender has rips or it's starting to break out and peel on your face as you use it, it’s definitely time to put it in the bin. Once it loses it’s shape and texture, it doesn’t perform as best as when it was when you newly purchased it, then a tiny rip becomes a bigger one when you need it most. In order to be on a safer side, its best you replace your beauty blender the moment you see a rip on it.
Skin breakout Like I said in the earlier paragraph, over used beauty blenders can cause skin breakouts especially when you have a sensitive skin. Washing them doesn’t entirely eliminate this. If you know your skin very well, you should know when your skin breakout is due to over used beauty blender. I know my skin pretty well and if I’ve been eating right, drinking enough water, and staying on top of my skin care and I’m still breaking out, I know my Beauty Blender needs to be thrown away immediately. You may ask, does your skin usually repair itself after you replace the beauty blenders? Of course, it does! Every skin type is different though. So, do what works for you. You may need to pamper your skin for a few days to get rid of the break- out.
Clean and wash I usually wash my beauty blender with warm tap water after use. On certain occasions when I'm running late, I soak it in the skin with warm water and soap. By the time I get back it's soaked and easy to get rid of the dirt and makeup on the blender. It also helps to have more than 1 beauty blender. You will need at least 3 to be able to alternate between blenders when you wash them. Whether my blender is worse for wear or not, I always replace them every 8 weeks. (2 months approximately). If you use them every day, then you may not need to wait two months before replacing them. I don’t wear makeup everyday so that works very well for me. Hope you guys found this useful! Leave your other beauty blenders questions in the comments below. Thanks for your support always. Until my next post, stay fabulous! Love Ivy Ekong Photo credit: Beauty blender Instagram (@beautyblender)