Spring Cleaning
I have been going on and on about spring recently. Am sure a lot of you would have noticed that by now. Lol who wouldn't when the weather has been cold for so long. Spring is always a good time to breathe. It comes with a certain type of beauty and warmness to your body and soul. Does anyone else experience some sort of mood swing during winter? I do! This is one of the reasons why I love this season so much. Summer is even better but let's make do with what we have for now. There are no mood swings , it doesn't get dark at 4pm, best of all, I don't have to wear warm thick coats all the time. In this video you will learn 5 tips on how to Spring clean and prepare for Spring and summer. I spoke about detoxing not only your home, and wardrobe, but also your so called friends. I do hope you are able to learn one or two things from this video which will be of great benefit to you especially during this season. I did promise my fans on Instagram that I was going to try my best to upload more videos to my YouTube Channel and with your support and encouragement I will see to that. Do not forget to leave your comments. Enjoy watching and have a lovely well you all. http://youtu.be/RAScn5qYEYg