Hello loves, I hope you all are doing very well. Like so many of you I am a foodie. I love to eat and I realised that loving to eat is not a problem as long as what you are putting into your body is healthy. I trade unhealthy snacks for salads. So I prepare salads every morning and store it in the fridge for snacking all day when I am at home. If am working outside , maybe on a location I take a portion in a snack pack with me. It's always wise to use different items and introduce new recipe when you have to eat salads everyday, just so that you do not get bored with a particular taste. Recipe I used for this salad: - cucumber - carbage - whole nuts cut into smaller pieces - salad tomatoes - ready to eat spinach - big red and green peppers - sprinkle a little lemon on it just to give it a bit of flavour. Sometimes I use vinegar or salad cream but didn't use it on this particular salad. Mix all together and enjoy. Share your recipes with me on Instagram. Xoxo Ivy Ekong