Lavish Alice Work Trouser
Blogging is a word that is easily mentioned by so many these days. In the past no one was keen about blogs and bloggers, but now bloggers are have become very important to brand, business, and the society at large. The question is, how do you become a successful blogger and make the most of your blog? This is the second time I'm writing on this topic, because it's a very popular demand. I did a post and a YouTube video on my Channel in 2015 regarding this topic. You can search for my video on YouTube using (Ivyekongfashion) .
As many of you already know, I started my blog from being a fashion stylist, it was only natural for me to have a platform that will help women figure out what to wear, and also help women build their self confidence, especially mothers who have lost a lot of self confidence in themselves. My goal when I started this blog was to prove to women no matter your age, status, race, nationality, beliefs, mum, or not, that you can be stylish at any age. It doesn't matter how many kids you have, neither does it matter how much your body has changed, you can still exude style and confidence. Only you can do that, and am hoping you find some sort of inspiration on this blog whenever you visit here. (Now back to the topic). I have been blogging as my main source of income for the past few years and am able to live the life I want from doing what I love. But before you get to this stage their are some basic things you need to put in place which are; a good seo, a great content, and good images for your blog. Most importantly in all of these is the seo.
Don’t get me wrong I have made many mistakes along the way but once I knew what I was doing it became a lot easier and more enjoyable. You want to enjoy what you do and at the same time make a living or at least reap the fruit of your Labour somehow. I didn't have anyone tell me what to do when I first started out. I figured it out on my own as time went by. Loads of mistakes were made as I mentioned before, until I found some blogging guides were I learnt more on what to do. Since many of you keep asking for guidance on how to start, I wanted to write a short guide for anyone out there who is starting out. For me the first thing is to do what you do out of love and passion and then have a long term plan to back up your passion. Wether you're a blogger or not at some point you would want to earn some money from your website or blog, and also be recognized positively for what you do. You will need to good seo in order other to monetize your blog, any business, or online platform As you begin laying foundation for website, make sure you get all the essentials right the first time, and that includes good seo and creating good content..I’m not going to lie to you but it can take months even years before you might see a significant return on the time you invest in to starting a blog, but that is why I wanted to write on this subject.
People say I make blogging look easy, some think that all I do is wear beautiful clothes and take photos all day. Well that's not all being a fashion blogger or what blogging entails. You have to put in the work. It's a full time job for some of us and for others it's not. Whatever your situation, remember that the key to becoming a successful blogger is by being consistent, having passion for what you do, creating good content, building a loyal fan base, and having a great website. I have also noticed that many bloggers aren’t taking advantage of their traffic by monetizing their blog. You have one of the easiest blogs to monetize: in almost every post you are sharing a product! You don’t have to wait for a company to contact you for a sponsored post, you should be an affiliate for all your favorite brands. Lastly, I would advice you do your research before you jump right in. Research on the topic you want to write on which is called your "niche". You can never go wrong by doing a proper research. Information is key and it's better to be informed than live in the darkness of ignorance. P.S: My outfit is inspired by the Fall season. You can wear this outfit also if you're in a warmer environment or country but without the boots of course. My denim jeans is part of my soon to be launched clothing line collection, bag and boots are from here Have a great week you all. XOXO IVY EKONG