Hello my lovelies, it surely is beginning to look a lot like Christmas over here. What does Christmas mean to you? Leave me a comment below and tell me what Christmas means to you. For me, it’s a time of reflection, a time to sit and look back at the past months, a time to spend to family, a time of creating some beautiful and special memories.
What I look forward to more during this time of the year is decorating with my kids. It’s become our yearly tradition. We start by having tea, mulled wine, some mince pies and nibbles. Then we play loud Christmas music, decorate and dance. This has over the years become a traditional of ours and with every new child added to our family, they’re lovingly introduced to this beautiful tradition which we all look forward to yearly.
Do you have any Christmas traditions? Let me know in the comment section.
If you’re not following me already, go give me a follow on instagram @ivyekong to keep up to date with my post. I will be uploading a video of our little Christmas tradition tomorrow. This Ivy Ekong Fashion dress is now sold out. But I have linked to similar ones on our website.
Till my next post, stay fabulous!!!
Love, Ivy. Xo