I get asked a lot of times how I started blogging? Also what to do when considering starting a blog? Or how to be a London fashion blogger. This post is actually overdue and am going to highlight some key fundamentals that have worked for me since I started blogging. Some of you have read a lot of my past interviews and are familiar with how I started blogging. For those who do not already know I started my blog five years ago. I am a stylist and have been a fashion stylist for over ten years. During my five years of blogging, I have definitely learnt a thing or two when it comes to running a blog. From blog schedule and content development, to wordpress and web design, to SEO and social media, it’s been a huge learning curve and one of the most educational journeys. Sometimes you get it right and other times you don't. There are times when you ask yourself if you are in the right directions and other times you are over the moon with joy because a brand has been able to gain your trust. However, one of the most important things I have learnt and come to realise in this journey is just how beneficial it is to network with other bloggers and brands. Building up relationships and getting to know other bloggers has proved to be essential for my blogging career.

What are the benefits of networking? As a blogger you are already aware that you are not the only blogger out there. There are millions of bloggers out there and the only way to get noticed is to put yourself out there in the form of networking. Using social media is a great way to do that. Use avenues such as Twitter, Facebook, Google plus, Bloglovin, and Instagram to comment on other blogger’s posts and links. It’s not creepy when it’s done right! Just drop them a tweet if you love one of their latest posts, or show some interest in their latest Instagram photo. One thing you must not do is spam anyone's account. You want to develop your brand and be taking seriously as a blogger not as a spammer. Join the Twitter chats and get involved in discussing knowledgeable blogging topics. Not only will you learn some tips, but it’s really fun discussing the blogging world with people just as interested as yourself. This is a great way to get to know other bloggers, thus raising your own blog’s brand awareness.

Another effective way of being successful as a blogger is by attending events, blogging conferences, and meets ups. This is one of my personal favourite ways to network with other bloggers, not only does it allow you to meet new people, it is also a great addition to your social life and a great eye opener to the social and blogging scene. Some years back, there was hardly any blog events to attend, but it's very different now. There are so many bloggers events you can register to attend, such as bloggers love and bloggers hubs. I do love attending those events, and it's a great avenue to meet brands who are looking for people like us to help take their businesses and brand to the next level. The majority of people there will be bloggers, so it’s a nice way to mingle with fellow bloggers whilst learning tips and advice too. The bloggers you meet at these events can open doors to other events you hadn’t even heard of before and you could make lasting friendships. There are so many Facebook groups out there nowadays which specialises in a range of different blog categories. These are great forums to get support from other bloggers, where there is usually someone always at hand to help you with blog queries. They are also beneficial for hearing about blog events, new projects, or blogger meet-ups that you may have been out of the loop from if you hadn’t joined…

Another effective way to get things going when starting a blog is to comment on other blogs. This is a proven effective way to get your blog known to others. I admit, this is one I need to improve on myself. Commenting on other bloggers posts is a lovely way to show your support to other bloggers. It encourages conversation, and may lead to people checking out your own blog too. Lastly, I get asked very often if I have an agency that represents me. I can categorically say that I do not have one agency that I am committed to. I have several agencies which I am registered with and do get several exposures from them. I do hope to someday be registered to just one very good agency. Until then, fingers dressed ! You can register with two or more agencies and see how you get on.

To sum it up, not only can networking help you to learn tips, grow your blog, gain inspiration and grow your following, it also gives you the opportunity to meet new people that are likely to improve your career in the future. You and the blogging community have one main thing in common – a strong passion for your own blogs – which provides an excellent base for a friendship to form. Aside from the social side of things, good clean well styled photos can also take your blog to a new level. Consider buying a professional camera to shoot your photos, etc. If you are new to blogging, or haven’t started actively networking yet, then try these tips to improve your blog and social media following. Am wearing: Riverisland jumpsuit Kurtgeiger knee high boots Love Ivy.