Hello everyone, it’s been a while here. Life and all it’s hustle and bustle tends to get in the way of me posting here sometimes. But I’m here to let you all know that we are having baby number 3. I’m so excited and my family is even more excited.

When I announced this news on Instagram some people were very surprised because they had no idea that we were trying for a third baby. Yes we were. We tried for so long, did two IVF and had one miscarriage during these past few years of trying. During the covid lockdown in 2020, we were naturally blessed with a pregnancy which I confirmed early January 2021.

To say I am over the moon is an understatement. This is to encourage those women trying to have a baby with no luck to not give up. Keep trying, keep praying and put your heads up. The universe has a way of aligning our wants and thoughts and granting them at the right time.
ok, enough of the long story. Enjoy some photos from my maternity shoot. My dresses are from Ivy Ekong Fashion . The sequin dress is absolutely my favourite. While at it, check out more photos on my Instagram and give me a follow if you haven’t yet.
All the best till my next post.
Ivy Ekong